Lands tribunal ordinance. 17) and the Lands Tribunal Rules (Cap.
Lands tribunal ordinance Note : If you intend to oppose this application, you must personally attend at the Lands Tribunal Registry within 21 days of the day of service of this notice or within the time as ordered by the Tribunal and file a notice of opposition by means of Form 7. Jurisdiction ofTribunal 5. BACKGROUND. IN THE LANDS TRIBUNAL OF THE Pursuant to section * 6(2)/*8(2). Most of the recommendations were related primarily to applications for possession of premises, with a view to streamlining Oct 17, 2024 · The amendment introduces a fast-track procedure for the Lands Tribunal to decide on granting an order for sale, dispensing with the requirement to justify redevelopment based on the age or state of repair of the buildings if they are at least 50 years old and all minority owners have submitted a Notice of No Objection, indicating that the Tribunal is not required to consider whether Justice under section 10(3) of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance, will govern the procedure for lodging an appeal to the Lands Tribunal under the Government Rent (Assessment and Collection) Ordinance (Cap. Background 2. (Repealed) 12 7A. Principles of assessment of compensation 5-10 Lands Resumption Ordinance Part 2 2-4 LANDS TRIBUNAL (AMENDMENT) RULES 2008 (Made by the Chief Justice under section 10(3) of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. [30 July 1982] Enacted by the Governor of Hong Kong, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof. Interpretation. 56(1)] Buildings Ordinance Application No. Redevelopment) Ordinance. 2) "Lands Tribunal" (土地審裁處) means the Lands Tribunal established by section 3 of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17); (Added 28 of 1999 s. Short title (1) This Ordinance may be cited as the Land (Compulsory Sale for . (Added 10 of 1953 s. 545) (“the Ordinance”) to sell the lot on which the Wah Ha Factory Building, Quarry Bay stands. However, as an edict of a government, it is in the public domain in the U. The grounds of the review are set out in the supporting affidavit/affirmation attached to this application for review. 276) . #Not applicable as no appeal case was filed. It was established by the Lands Tribunal Ordinance. 125 billion, the highest ever of its 2) "Lands Tribunal" (土地審裁處) means the Lands Tribunal established by section 3 of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17); (Added 28 of 1999 s. Note 2: Under the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 17A) and recommended certain By publication of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice in the Gazette in January this year, the Development Bureau specified that with effect from April 1 this year, in respect of three specified classes of land lot, where a person or persons make an application to the Lands Tribunal for an order to sell all the undivided shares in a lot for RVD officers are stationed daily at the Lands Tribunal to advise on tenancy matters relating to the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap. Case Type: Old Prefix: New Prefix: MTR Ordinance Application: MTR: LDMT: Land Compulsory Sale Application for determination, in accordance with this Ordinance and the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17), of the amount of compensation (if any) to be paid. Back; Chapter Number Index; Chinese Title Index (in Order of Number of Strokes of Chinese Character) English Title Index (in Alphabetical Order) This Ordinance provides for the establishment of the Lands Tribunal and defines its compositions and functions. Mar 27, 2023 · Hong Kong Land Law. 17) and the Lands Tribunal Rules (Cap. Section 36 Lands Tribunal 8B. (1) This Part shall not apply to-(a) any premises-(i) in a building in respect of which an occupation permit, including a The tribunal may at any stage of proceedings in the tribunal, either of its own motion or upon the application of any party, transfer the proceedings to the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal, the District Court or the Court of First Instance, whereupon the practice and procedure of the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal, section 28(1) of the Ordinance. Constitution of Tribunal 4 5. 36,39,40,45,49,51,54, 61,69,73,75,78, 78i) ♦or ordinance pursuant to section no. The Lands Tribunal (“the Tribunal”) is established under the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. LANDS TRIBUNAL -- General Procedures for Application for Order for Possession other than Part IVA of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance, Cap. 545), which was enacted by the Legislative Council in 1998 and brought into operation in June 1999, enables persons who own a specified majority of the undivided shares in a lot to make an application to the Lands Tribunal for an order for sale of all the undivided shares in the lot for the purpose of redevelopment. Acting appointments of President 8 6A. of against which the appeal has been made, is annexed. LDCS -000 / The Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. UNDER LAND (COMPULSORY SALE FOR REDEVELOPMENT) ORDINANCE NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO APPL HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION IN THE LANDS TRIBUNAL OF THE Pursuant to section 4(2) FORM 33 ICATION FOR AN ORDER FOR SALE [r. 4 days ago · The Tribunal also exercises appellate jurisdiction over (i) determinations by the Commissioner of Rating and Valuation under the Rating Ordinance (Cap. 61 19. Notice of Application (1) The Applicant or the Applicant’s authorized representative should fill out and file with the Tribunal Part A of a Notice of For “Building Management Application”, the applicant is advised to click the following link to read the “LANDS TRIBUNAL General Procedures – Applications under the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. Ordinances under which Matters S-2 may be Submitted to the Tribunal for Determination To establish a Lands Tribunal and to provide for matters connected therewith. 78C] Land Compulsory Sale Main Application No. Aug 10, 2023 · The Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. It is situated in the former Kowloon Magistracy building. *Director of Lands/Commissioner of Rating and Valuation. 545) (LCSRO) for buildings aged 50 or above and industrial buildings aged 30 or above not located within industrial zones. 545) must file with the Registrar of the Lands Tribunal a notice of application (in accordance with Form 32). 17), of the amount of compensation (if any) to be paid. Adverse possessors should be given 6 months Review of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. LDBG / require the Lands Tribunal to determine the compensation to 4. The applicant must then: (a) cause a copy of the notice of application to be served on each minority owner of the land in question not later than 7 days after it 5 The present general rule-making powers for the Labour Tribunal and the Small Claims Tribunal are set out respectively in section 45 of the Labour Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. In order to facilitate urban renewal, majority owners of a lot of land who satisfy the requirements under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. Address of the Lands Tribunal : 38 Gascoigne Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon Mar 1, 2006 · (a) The Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (LCSRO) (Cap. 4 or otherwise allowed to the Respondent by the Tribunal to pay arrears of rent/mesne profits and costs and the stay of execution (if any) ordered by the Tribunal have all expired. 2) (25 of 1947 s. specified criteria are met; and for matters incidental thereto or connected . Address for service of the Applicant : of Address of Lands Tribunal : Lands Tribunal Building, 38 Ga 4. 104 of 1999 (Originally 30 of 1998) 1. Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Demolished Buildings (Redevelopment of Sites) Ordinance - pursuant to Section 7(2) (Form 18) (46 KB) (19 KB) Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Rating Ordinance (Form 19) (277 KB) (83 KB) Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Housing Ordinance (Form 20) (151 KB) (58 KB) Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. Notice of Application (1) The Applicant or the Applicant’s authorized representative should fill out and file with the Tribunal Part A of a Notice of Jun 8, 2016 · The Lands Tribunal decided that it did not have jurisdiction to grant specific performance in an action for possession (see Lands Tribunal Ordinance ss. (6) * (a) The time granted to the Respondent under Section 21F of the High Court Ordinance, Cap. 2 incorporated) Application of this Part 3. Dated this day of Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (hereafter referred to as “LCSRO”) (Cap. Lands Tribunal Ho in respect of a claim (copy attached) made under section 12 of the Ordinance by : Tribunal was served on the other party to the claim on the day of or or * Delete whichever is inapplicable. . 2) 2) "party" ( 一方 ) means a claimant or defendant and any person joined as a third party; Sep 1, 2021 · The Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (LCSRO) (Cap. Disputes not resolved at this level are taken to the Court of Appeal. 2) Sep 5, 2024 · In line with the 2022 Proposal, the Amendment Ordinance lowers the compulsory sale application threshold in the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. The hearing before the Tribunal took place on 27 - 30 August 2018 and 7 November 2018, in the course of which a site inspection took place on 28 August 2018. Lands Tribunal Ordinance 1. hk To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click . Chapter Number Index; Chinese Title Index (in Order of Number of Strokes of Chinese Character) English Title Index (in Alphabetical Order) The decision was served on *me/us by the Commissioner pursuant to section *39/40(2) of the Ordinance on the day of , . Composition of Tribunal 6. To: 1. 283). Oct 10, 2024 · The DEVB will also in due course seek the LegCo's approval to provide additional manpower resources to the Lands Tribunal to cope with the increased workload arising from the implementation of the Amendment Ordinance, and to set up a loan guarantee scheme for the Government to provide guarantee to assist eligible minority owners in obtaining bank loans to address their cash flow problems May 5, 2023 · In a judgment dated 5 May 2023, the Lands Tribunal made an order for sale under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 8(8) and 8(9)). 17) after consultation with the President of the Lands Tribunal) 1. print copy; electronic copy; Judiciary, Practice Directions LTPD BM1 2009, LTPD CJR1 2009 Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal and the Small Claims Tribunal . The Ordinance enables people who hold a specified majority of the undivided shares in a lot to make an application to the Lands Tribunal for an order to sell it for redevelopment. (4) Where the amount of any payment made by the Director FOR ENTRY UNDER LANDS Application No Pursuant to section 7(3). JUSTIFICATIONS 2. The Lands Tribunal shall be a court of record and shall deal with legal disputes over land. Apart from developing new sites, developers may choose to redevelop old buildings. This Ordinance may be cited as the Lands Tribunal Ordinance. The Ordinance enacted in 1997 provides for the assessment and General Procedures -- Appeals to Lands Tribunal LANDS TRIBUNAL A. therewith. It has four main judicial functions: • make orders for possession of premises and consequential reliefs; • determine the sums payable by the Government and others for Tribunal; applicant (DÛZs b) means any party bringing any other proceedings before the Tribunal; respondent (Jü_W b) means any party, other than an appellant or applicant, to any proceedings before the Tribunal. 17) This file is a Hong Kong ordinance, which is copyrighted in Hong Kong for 50 years after publication pursuant to section 183 (2) and paragraph 36 of Schedule 2 of the Copyright Ordinance (Cap. This application is being submitted to the Tri To : 1. Lands Tribunal. 338) HONG KONG COURT OF FINAL APPEAL SUITORS’ FUNDS RULES HIGH COURT SUITORS’ FUNDS (AMENDMENT) RULES 2015 DISTRICT COURT SUITORS’ FUNDS (AMENDMENT) RULES 2015 LANDS TRIBUNAL (SUITORS’ FUNDS) RULES General Procedures -- Appeals to Lands Tribunal LANDS TRIBUNAL A. Lands Tribunal (Hong Kong) Expand. Short title and commencement Interpretation PART II THE LANDS TRIBUNAL 3. 1 The Lands Tribunal shall not take into account any provision of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance (LTO) relating to the right of a tenant whose tenancy is terminated or is sought to be terminated in determining an application for an order of sale [s4(3)]. This Ordinance provides for the establishment of the Lands Tribunal and defines its compositions and functions. At the AJLS Panel meeting on 29 January 2004, Members noted the Judiciary’s review of the impact of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) (Amendment) Ordinance Jan 5, 2011 · Reply: President, My reply to the three-part question is as follows: (a) Since the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (the Ordinance) came into operation in 1999 and up till December 30, 2010, the Lands Tribunal (the Tribunal) has received a total of 85 applications for compulsory sale, of which 26 have been granted compulsory sale orders, 1 has been dismissed, 37 withdrawn by Feb 21, 2024 · (7) Where proceeds of sale are paid into the Tribunal pursuant to a direction given under subsection (6)(b), the Tribunal shall, in accordance with rules made under section 10A(1) of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. The Registrar, Lands Tribunal. Michael Lower Tags: estoppel , Lands Tribunal , Lease , specific performance Jun 21, 2023 · *From setting down of a case to hearing. Other provisions include: lot to be sold by auction and default on payment by the purchaser of the lot; registration of order for sale; and application of proceeds of sale. 515) (“the Ordinance”). 17). as from the date on which the payment is made bear interest except on the. The Ordinance provides a solution to the problem of property acquisition for redevelopment due to defective titles, untraceable owners, owners who died intestate or owners demanding unreasonably high prices. 17A, an appeal lies as of right to a Presiding Officer from a judgment, order or decision of a registrar, irrespective of whether the judgment, order or decision was given or made on the basis of written submissions only or LANDS TRIBUNAL -- General Procedures for Application for Order for Possession other than Part IVA of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinance, Cap. B: rates, government rent, water charges, electricity tenancy should also be submitted to the Tribunal Re LANDS TRIBUNAL (FEES) RULES (Cap. 2I¿FHUVRIWKH7ULEXQDO 12 7B of the Mass Transit Railway (Land Resumption and Related Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. In addition, at common law, there is a doctrine of “lex posterior derogat priori” in case of Churchwardens and Overseers of West Ham v Fourth City Mutual Building Society [1892] 1 QB 654. 2) Lands Tribunal (&Ç&Ø+ XiUý) means the Lands Tribunal established by section 3 of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. (Please add such other person as may be required to be served) Address for service of the Appellant(s) : * Delete whichever is inapplicable. amount thereof as so reduced. The grounds of the appeal and the facts on which they are based are [note section 42(2) of the Ordinance] : The Tribunal is requested to make an order under section 44(1) of the ordinance that : (set out the remedy sought) determination of the Lands Tribunal under this Ordinance is reduced under subsection (2) by the amount of any payment made under subsection (1), such compensation shall not as from the date on which the payment is made, bear interest except on the amount thereof as so reduced. (Replaced 76 of 1981 s. Tenure of office and vacancies 7. 1. 39 of 2010 597 THE'LANDS TRIBUNAL ACT, 2010 ARRANGEMENTS OF SECTIONS PART I PRELIMINARY Section I. 17), a wide range of professionals are eligible to be appointed as Members. LD / Name and status of Applicant: * (Superior Landlord / Landlord / Sub-Landlord / Tenant Jul 11, 2019 · Claims for compensation under the Lands Resumption Ordinance Cap. (2) A reference to a numbered form is a reference to the form so numbered in the Schedule. 25); (Added 28 of 1999 s. ". 338). BACKGROUND 2. 45188 - Citation 1. Interpretation 2 3. Address of Lands Tribunal : Lands Tribunal Building, 38 Ga 2. Section 4 provide for the constitution of the Tribunal. An Ordinance to establish a Lands Tribunal and to provide for matters connected therewith. 17); (Added 28 of 1999 s. 17A) Remarks 14. 17) and the Lands Tribunal Rules (“LTR IN THE LANDS TRIBUNAL OF THE Pursuant to Rule 15 of Lands Tribunal Rules LD / BETWEEN Applicant AND Respondent I,, the *representative of Applicant, provide herewith the up-dated information and apply for a judgment in default of opposition as follows :-(1) The suit premises are subdivided unit as defined in section 120AA(1) of the Landlord and Ordinance (“LTO”) (Cap. Lands Tribunal Hotline : 2. Notice of Appeal (1) A Notice of Appeal * (with a copy of the decision which is the subject of the Appeal) together with the requisite number of copies (normally 4 photocopies) should be filed in person or by an authorised representative at the Tribunal Registry. (Please add such other persons as may be required to be served). 1 Member, Lands Tribunal (JSPS 12) ($127,900 - $135,800) BACKGROUND 2. for determination, in accordance with this Ordinance and the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. Application to certify the amount of settlement of The Lands Tribunal Introduction 1. This paper sets out the recommendations of the review and the proposed way forward. "Lands Tribunal" (土地審裁處) means the Lands Tribunal established by section 3 of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap 17); (Added 28 of 1999 s. 125 billion, the highest ever of its How to Apply for Injunctions under the Domestic and Cohabitation Relationships Violence Ordinance---(1,658 KB) Supplementary Guidance Notes / Notices----Lands Tribunal (14,965 KB) President's Direction----Supplementary Guidance Notes / Notices----Magistrates' Courts-(5,026 KB) Labour Tribunal (8,862 KB) Supplementary Guidance Notes / Notices On 22 December 2006, the Chief Justice made the Lands Tribunal (Amendment) Rules 2006 (“the Amendment Rules”) at Annex under section 10(3) of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (“LTO”) (Cap. (Replaced 62 of 1985 s. District Court and the Lands Tribunal. 7). The Lands Tribunal is a tribunal in Hong Kong that deals with legal disputes over land. Lands Tribunal Ordinance 1974 (Cap. In December 2004, the Judiciary completed a review of the Lands Tribunal Rules (“LTR”) (Cap. 17), release such proceeds or any part of it to the respective persons who would have been entitled to payment of the proceeds under the provisions of this Ordinance if the under section 7 ofthe Ordinance. 6. The Lands Tribunal of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government was established in 1974. 17) is amended by adding— "(8A) The Tribunal shall have jurisdiction to determine any claim or counterclaim or set- off and counterclaim transferred to it under section 7 or 10 of the Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. the Lands Tribunal under this Ordinance is reduced under subsection (2) by the. The latter two types of cases have begun to utilise more and more resources of the Lands Tribunal. 116); (ii) determinations by the Director of Lands under the Government Rent (Assessment and Collection) Ordinance (Cap. 281 of 2006) (a) where a notice of opposition has been filed, or the time limited for redevelopment of the lot; to enable the Tribunal to make such an order if . Amount of compensation claime Nov 2, 2022 · Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (the “Ordinance”) was enacted on 7th June 1999. 25) Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. ld / name and status of applicant: Court Services & Facilities > e-Services > Lands Tribunal. Jurisdiction of the Tribunal Section 8 of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 545) (“the Ordinance”) is to meet the statutory ownership threshold of undivided shares in each subject lot, currently a minimum of 80%. 3(1) of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. 2) Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Demolished Buildings (Redevelopment of Sites) Ordinance - pursuant to Section 7(2) (Form 18) (46 KB) (19 KB) Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Rating Ordinance (Form 19) (277 KB) (83 KB) Notice of Appeal to Lands Tribunal under Housing Ordinance (Form 20) (151 KB) (58 KB) The HKIS suggested that the Government consider amending the Ordinance so that an order for sale granted by the Lands Tribunal under the Ordinance is binding on all persons having interests in the lot includi ng any adverse possessor or any person claiming to be an adverse possessor. It is situated in th cases in respect of land resumed under the Railways Ordinance and the Land Resumption Ordinance. Address for service of the Applicant : of Address of Lands Tribunal : Lands Tribunal Building, 38 Ga 2. It is a specialised court that deals with specified categories of cases relating to land. Staff of the Lands Tribunal will only assist parties in the general procedures in matters that are LANDS TRIBUNAL -- General Procedures for Regulated Tenancies1 Application A. 17) Labour Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 528). See full list on judiciary. (2) Sections 2 and 3 shall be deemed to have come into operation on IN THE LANDS TRIBUNAL OF THE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION FORM 7 (*r. This paper sets out a broad comparison on the key procedural features proposed for the Competition Tribunal (“the CT”) and those adopted by the Lands Tribunal (“LT”) and the Small Claims Tribunal (“the SCT”). ) •Up to 30 Sept 2022, a total of 421 applications had been filed with the Lands Tribunal (the “Tribunal”): a) 170 had been granted compulsory sale orders b) 198 had been discontinued, withdrawn, settled by other means or dismissed c) 53 were being processed This Ordinance provides for a person who owns not less than 90 percent of undivided shares in a lot to apply to the Lands Tribunal for a compulsory sale of the whole lot for the purpose of redevelopment. Fees: Application made under Rule 15 of the Lands Tribunal Rules----- $61. LANDS TRIBUNAL General Procedures -- Applications under the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. Lands Tribunal Filing of new applications. Under this Ordinance, anyone who hold over 80% of the undivided shares of a residential building over 50 years old (from the date of the occupation permit) can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order for sale. 545), the Government announced the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) (Specification of Lower Percentage) Notice 2010 which took effect on 1 April 2010 by adjusting the threshold of applying to the Lands Tribunal for a compulsory sale order. 2. Appointment of deputy of the President 8 6. company have failed to reach agreement in respect of th Ordinance. 4) Remarks 12F. Notice of Application (1) A Notice of Application (Form 27 or 29) * together with the requisite number of copies (normally 4 photocopies) should be filed in person or by an authorised representative at the Lands Tribunal. It was established by the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. In proceedings before the Tribunal, the fee specified in, or the fee which may be fixed under, the third column of the Schedule shall be payable in Index:Lands Tribunal Ordinance 1974 (Cap. Appointment Booking; Overview of the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. ( Note section 26(2) of the Ordinance---(a) for an appeal under section 4(11) of the Ordinance, the grounds of the appeal (under sec. S. [1] Nov 19, 2010 · The Lands Tribunal [No. The Tribunal has jurisdiction Home; Search; Browse. Jurisdiction under section 8(7) The Tribunal shall be regarded for any purpose as always having had the jurisdiction conferred by section 8(7), as amended by section 2 of the Lands Tribunal (Amendment) Ordinance 1995 (102 of 1995). Note: If you intend to oppose this application, you must personally attend at the Lands Tribunal Registry within 7 days of the date of service of this notice or within the time as ordered by the Tribunal, and file a notice of opposition (Form 7). There shall be a tribunal to be known as the Lands Tribunal which shall be a court of record. 17A) Purpose This paper informs Members of – (a) the outcome of the Judiciary Administration’s consultation with the two legal professional bodies on the review of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (“LTO”) (Cap. Short title 2 2. An Ordinance to amend the Lands Tribunal Ordinance. 7 A. 17, section 10(3)) [26 February 19881 L. (5) A reference under subsection (4) shall be made within 1 year from the date Housing Ordinance Appeal No. In August 2000, some major amendments were made to the Building Management Ordinance. Lands Tribunal; Location: 38 Gascoigne Road, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon: Authorized by: Hong Kong Basic Law: Appeals to: Court of Appeal REVIEW OF THE LANDS TRIBUNAL ORDINANCE AND RULES In late 2004, the Judiciary completed the review of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. Labour Tribunal (" \o+ XiUý) means the Labour Tribunal established by section 3 of the Labour Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. 17. (Added 102 of 1995 s. It is certified that notice under section 13(5) of the Ordinance of reference of the claim to the Lands Tribunal General Procedures -- Appeals to Lands Tribunal LANDS TRIBUNAL A. As a result of the amendments, the requirements to be met by TO DETERMINE COMPENSATION UNDER BUILDINGS ORDINANCE HONG KONG SPECIAL ADMINISTRATIVE REGION IN THE LANDS TRIBUNAL OF THE NOTICE OF APPLICATION Pursuant to section 18A FORM 15 [r. 6) 1A. The Tribunal set the reserve price for the auction of the lot at $5. or A *Authorization of the proposal under section 3 of the Ordinance to which the claim relates, has been given (in part) by the Governor in Council under section of the Ordinance. LANDS TRIBUNAL -- General Procedures for Applicatio of the Landlord and Tenant (Consolidation) Ordinanc n for Order for Possession other than Part IVA e, Cap. 17) and the Lands Tribunal Rules (“LTR”) (Cap. require the Lands Tribunal to review a decision of *His Honour Judge / *Deputy Judge / *Member _____made on the _____ day of _____, 20____ pursuant to section 11A of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance, Cap. 00 Pursuant to Lands Tribunal (Fees Rules), Cap 17B, Applicants submitting Rule 15 applications are required to pay the following prescribed fees: Items Fees Applicant acting in person Applicant with Legal Representation (1) $61 for filing Rule 15 Application Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. The applicant who makes an appointment via the e-Appointment System should be the same person who attends the Registry of the Lands Tribunal to go through the formalities on the appointment day. A prerequisite for applications under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. The tribunal may at any stage of proceedings in the tribunal, either of its own motion or upon the application of any party, transfer the proceedings to the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal, the District Court or the Court of First Instance, whereupon the practice and procedure of the Board, the Labour Tribunal, the Lands Tribunal, 'Tribunal' means the Lands Tribunal established under the Lands Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. Listing for hearing (1) In relation to an application (other than an application for an order for possession of any premises) – (L. . These rules may be cited as the Lands Tribunal (Fees) Rules. Notice of Application (1) (3) (4) (2) N. 25) and section 36 of the Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance (Cap. Address of Lands Tribunal : Lands Tribunal Building, 38 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon. 124 were made to the Tribunal. · Continuation of Tribunal 4. Fees 2. or * require(s) the Lands Tribunal to review pursuant t o section 23(2) of the Ordinance a decision of the Chief Executive made under section 23(1) of the Ordinance. 17 and rule 30A of the Rules of the Lands Tribunal, Cap. Commencement These Rules shall come into operation on the day appointed for the commencement of the Civil Justice (Miscellaneous Amendments) Ordinance The Lands Tribunal; The Labour Tribunal; The District Court was established in 1953 with the enactment of the District Court Ordinance. LDHA / Address for service of th Lands Tribunal Ho in respect of the property described. 344)”, download the application forms and have the forms properly filled out and printed before attending the Registry: According to section 11AA of the Lands Tribunal Ordinance, Cap. Land is a very scarce resource in Hong Kong. LDLR FORM 5 RESUMPTION ORDINANCE / [rule 34(1)] * I/We of (address) or * The Director of Lands require(s) the Lands Tribunal to determine the amount of compensation to be paid in respect of the resumption of (describe the estate or interest in land resumed) formerly owned by * me/us Note : If you intend to oppose this application, you must personally attend at the Lands Tribunal Registry within 7 days of the day of service of this notice or within the time as ordered by the Tribunal, and file a Notice of Opposition (Form 7). Please set the page orientation to “Landscape” for printing of bilingual texts on a single page. (MTR Jordan Station Exit “B2 Sep 30, 2017 · Introduction. In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires- "President" ( 庭長) means the president of the Lands Tribunal appointed under section 4; (Amended 25 of 1998 s. This Ordinance may be cited as the Land Registration Ordinance. Lands Tribunal: Lands Tribunal Building, 38 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon. 5. Determination by Tribunal of compensation payable by Government: 5-8 11. Notice of Application (1) The Applicant or the Applicant’s authorized representative should fill out and file with the Tribunal Part B (I), (II), (III) Staff of the Lands Tribunal will only assist parties in the general procedures in matters that are Notice of Opposition under Housing Ordinance (Form 21) $ 55. To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click . Lands Tribunal Ho 28 days. the Home; Search; Browse. 3. (2) (Omitted as A permanent magistrate is a full-time magistrate, and is assigned to sit in one of the seven magistrates' courts. 10(2) of Lands Resumption Ordinance) (a) the value of the land resumed and any buildings erected thereon at the date of resumption; (b) the value of any easement or other right in the land resumed, owned, held or enjoyed by a claimant at the date of resumption; (c) the amount of loss or damage suffered by any claimant due to the Amendments to High Court Ordinance (Cap. tion of the Lands Tribunal under this Ordinance is reduced under subsection (2) by the amount of any payment made under subsection (1), such compensation shall not as from the date on which the payment is made bear interest except on the amount thereof as so reduced. Address for service of the Applicant(s) : Note: If you intend to oppose this application, you must pe rsonally attend at the Lands Tribunal Registry within 21 days of the day of service of this notice and file a notice of opposition by means of Form 7. &Ç&Ø+ XiUýF,YÕJs To establish a Lands Tribunal and to provide for matters connected therewith. 344)”, download the application forms and have the forms properly filled out and printed before attending the Registry: The Lands Tribunal is a tribunal in Hong Kong that deals with legal disputes over land. Lodging of settlement offer under section 23(2) of the Mass Transit Railway (Land Resumption and Related Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. amount of any payment made under subsection (1), such compensation shall not. * Delete whichever is inapplicable. Under the LCSRO, any person who owns not less than 90% of undivided shares in a lot may apply to the Lands Tribunal for a compulsory sale of the whole lot for the purpose of redevelopment. 00 This Ordinance, consisting of 15 Sections and 1 Schedule, aims to establish a Lands Tribunal and to provide for matters connected therewith. The Lands Tribunal shall be a court of record and shall deal with legal disputes over land. A total of 14 recommendations were made. 515); and (iii) determinations by the Director of Housing under the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 545) (“the Ordinance”) allows an owner of at least 80% of the undivided shares of a lot or lots to apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order for sale of the lot(s) by way of public auction. May 5, 2023 · In a judgment dated 5 May 2023, the Lands Tribunal made an order for sale under the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (Cap. Appointment and powers of temporary members 10 7. † Note section 26(2) of the Ordinance— (a) for an appeal under section 4(11) of the Ordinance, the grounds of the appeal are To : 1. For “Building Management Application”, the applicant is advised to click the following link to read the “LANDS TRIBUNAL General Procedures – Applications under the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. *The Director of Lands / *The Commissioner of Rating and Valuation. The Respondent(s). Transfer of proceedings to the Lands Tribunal The Court of First Instance may, either of its own motion or on the application of any party, order at any stage the transfer to the Lands Tribunal of all or part of any action or proceedings before it which are within 10. 17A). 545) (cont. PURPOSE . LDLR RESUMPTION ORDINANCE / (rule 35) * I/We of as * owner(s)/occupier(s) of (describe the land) or * The Director of Lands require(s) the Lands Tribunal to determine the amount of comp ensation to be paid in respect of the damage caused by reason of --+ entry upon (describe the land) Jan 22, 2022 · Lands Tribunal Any person, including landlord and tenant, having an interest in any premises may apply to the Lands Tribunal to determine whether or not a tenancy for the premises is a regulated tenancy for the purpose of Part IVA of the Ordinance. pdf Metadata This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. Jun 21, 2023 · That said, where necessary, he/she may hear Lands Tribunal cases either alone or together with a Member. g Note section 26(2) of the Ordinance - Page 1 of Lands Tribunal Rules LANDS TRIBUNAL (AMENDMENT) RULES 2008 LANDS TRIBUNAL RULES (Cap. 2) "party" (一方) means a claimant or defendant and any person joined as a third party; "registrar" (司法常務官) means the Registrar of the District Court; (Amended 28 of 2000 s. N. 17: M;7àZñ5/6Ô 9HUL¿HG&RS\ 3. Registrar of Tribunal 8. 545) aims to facilitate private sector's redevelopment efforts. (5) A reference under subsection (4) shall be made within 1 year from the date of vesting or within such further period as the Lands Tribunal may allow This Ordinance provides for the establishment of the Lands Tribunal and defines its compositions and functions. 36,39,40,45,49,51,54, 57,58,59,61,69,73,75,78, 78I) NOTICE OF OPPOSITION TO APPLICATION / APPEAL TO LANDS TRIBUNAL UNDER LANDLORD AND TENANT (CONSOLIDATION) (AMENDMENT) ORDINANCE ♦ or ORDINANCE Pursuant to section No. (Amended 5 of 1924 s. or * require(s) the Lands Tribunal to determine the amount of compensation to be paid in respect of a claim Note: If you intend to oppose this application, you must personally attend the Lands Tribunal Registry within 7 days of the date of service of this notice or within the time as ordered by the Tribunal, and file a notice of opposition (Form 7). Short title and commencement (l) This Ordinance may be cited as the Lands Tribunal (Amendment) Ordinance 1991. The Chief Justice appoints on a temporary basis a number of principal and permanent magistrates to sit as a Master in the High Court [2] or to sit as a Deputy District Judge or Master in the District Court, Family Court or Lands Tribunal. 17) Contents Section Page 1. Subject Land & soil Keyword Court/tribunal Liability/compensation Dispute settlement Geographical area Asia, Asia and the Pacific, East Asian Seas, Eastern Asia, North Pacific, North-West Pacific Abstract Lands Tribunal: Amendments to Lands Tribunal Ordinance: Cap 17: Amendments to Lands Tribunal Rules: Cap 17A: Small Claims Tribunal: Amendments to Small Claims Tribunal Ordinance: Cap 338: Law Amendment and Reform: Amendments to Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance: Cap 23: Arbitration: Amendments to Arbitration Ordinance: Cap 341 This Ordinance provides for the establishment of the Lands Tribunal and defines its compositions and functions. Name and address of Nov 4, 2021 · Lands Tribunal. Establishment of Lands Tribunal 4 4. 2) Tribunal. 344) A. [7 June 1999] L. (2) The Building Management Mediation Co-ordinator's Office (BMMCO) at the Lands Tribunal holds information sessions on mediation and helps the litigants seek mediation to resolve their disputes in a more cost effective, timely and satisfactory manner, including providing information on mediation and service To print the whole chapter in HTML, please click at the bottom of the TOC panel and then click . Hong Kong Civil Procedure (2022) vol 2, pt R. 3) Section 37 Lands Tribunal 10. To : 1. 545) (“ LCSRO ”) can apply to the Lands Tribunal for an order for compulsory sale. ê&Ç&Ø+ XiUý8E 3ë Lands Tribunal Ordinance 1 2 JÔ 17 J JÔ 1 8E Section 1 Cap. filed with the Lands Tribunal against the assessmen To : 1. Ends/Wednesday, June 21, 2023 Issued at HKT 12:45 NNNN in the lands tribunal of the hong kong special administrative region under landlord and tenant (consolidation) (amendment) ordinance notice of opposition to application / appeal to lands tribunal form 7 57,58,59, (*r. 235 18. (a) Since the Land (Compulsory Sale for Redevelopment) Ordinance (the Ordinance) came into operation in 1999 and up till December 30, 2010, the Lands Tribunal (the Tribunal) has received a total of 85 applications for compulsory sale, of which 26 have been granted compulsory sale orders, 1 has been dismissed, 37 withdrawn by applicants or adjourned for various reasons and 21 are being processed. Applications under various Ordinances. bkuiln jgverq emnrp zfqzhmr dtkk jmqxnow scw jbr kdvsch ajx